Celestyal Crystal

Celestyal Cruises

Sailing unforgettable getaways from the Sunshine State.

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Celestyal Cruises

Ship information

Celestyal Crystal

This is a firm 'no' to FOMO. Independence of the Seas® is giving the Caribbean an injection of new adventures on getaways. Hang ten on our Flowrider®* surf simulator. Go head to head in a glow-in-the-dark laser tag clash in Battle for Planet Z℠. Score an amazing time and game-changing grub at Playmakers℠ Sports Bar & Arcade. Come and Seek the Royal Caribbean®.

  • plugs

    Plugs in cabin:

    US 2 Pin 110v & EU 2 Pin 220v

  • currency

    Currency on ship:


  • childrens_facilities

    Childrens facilities:


  • gratuities


    Not Included

  • Celestyal Cruises

    Cruise Line:

    Celestyal Cruises

  • capacity



  • launched



  • tonnage



  • shiplength

    Ship Length:


  • decks



  • crew

    Crew Count:



Celestyal Crystal has 12 cabin types available

Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Interior Stateroom

Inside Cabins

3 Inside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Interior Stateroom

Inside Cabins

3 Inside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Interior Stateroom

Inside Cabins

3 Inside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Exterior Stateroom

Outside Cabins

5 Outside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Exterior Stateroom

Outside Cabins

5 Outside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Exterior Stateroom

Outside Cabins

5 Outside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Exterior Stateroom

Outside Cabins

5 Outside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Exterior Stateroom

Outside Cabins

5 Outside types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Suite

Suite Cabins

4 Suite types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Balcony Suite

Suite Cabins

4 Suite types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Junior Balcony Suite

Suite Cabins

4 Suite types to choose from
Celestyal Crystal Celestyal Cruises Grand Suite

Suite Cabins

4 Suite types to choose from

Deck Plans

9 deck images available

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Association of British Travel Agents https://www.abta.com/abta-member-search/results?search=my+kind+of+cruiseAir Travel Organiser's Licence https://www.caa.co.uk/atol-protection/check-an-atol/search-atol-holders/worldpay https://worldpay.com/pay360 https://www.pay360.com/about-us