
About Newcastle (United Kingdom)

Newcastle offers miles of stunning coastline and beautiful beaches, has the UK’s largest city centre shopping complex, is famous for its fantastic nightlife, and the friendliest of people who freely offer the very best of northern hospitality.

United by seven bridges across a spectacular landscape, Newcastle - a city on the north bank of the River Tyne and Gateshead - a town on the south bank form a single, diverse and extremely vibrant visitor destination. The Quayside is a spectacular area day and night with the iconic Gateshead Millennium Bridge, the world’s first and only tilting bridge, linking Newcastle and Gateshead for pedestrians and cyclists.  The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art is an art-lover’s dream, whilst Newcastle’s array of riverside bars, cafes, and restaurants offer a multitude of dining opportunities.  Newcastle also proudly boasts one of the UK’s largest city centre shopping complexes.

Cruises around Newcastle (United Kingdom)


26 March 2025 to 26 March 2025 1 to 32+ nights

visiting Newcastle (United Kingdom)

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